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8 Apr 2013

A Little Project

Today I'm linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for 'Monday Made it' to post about a little project I've finished working on these holidays. 

I'm pretty excited to have actually finished something off my to-do list, as usually I flit between projects, doing a bit here and there of everything and not finishing off anything!

So here it is... my monster game markers.

I use a lot of spelling and maths games that are multi-player and involve each player having a marker to move around a gameboard. Up until now I've just used different coloured counters but that's not ideal - we all know little things like counters go missing easily! So I made each student their very own monster marker to use for the year. It was super easy to do...

First, I found some mini paddlepop sticks and quick drying modelling clay from Spotlight. I also got some cool googly eyes but I didn't end up using these.

As you can see, I used the clay to make round bases - they were about the size of a $2 AUD coin. I then stuck in the mini paddlepop stick, making sure they were straight. In the picture below you can see how they measure up with a black and white copy of a spelling board game. Each marker fits perfectly on the squares.

I went around the join of the paddlepop stick and clay base with a tiny bit of glue from my hot glue gun just so they were secure - I want these to last all year. After painting them, I hot glued the image of the monster each student had created in the iPad app called 'Monster Kit'.

Click on the picture below to download a copy of the monster images and editable text boxes in a word document.

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  1. What a cute and fun idea! Now following you :) Im another Aussie blogger :)

  2. Allison, these are so cute!! How cool would it be to have the kids make their own markers with photos of themselves on top? I've just pinned this post on pinterest to remind me to have a go at making some of my own in the school holidays =)

    Lifelong Learners in Prep


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