13 Feb 2014

Recording Evidence of Learning

Earlier this year I blogged about my goal to go 'paperless' as much as possible. I need to share with you my new favourite app that helps make this possible!

The FREE app is called 'Evidence for Learning' and is made by theTeacherCloud. Check out the video below or the website here.

Basically, the app allows you to record observations, anecdotes, work samples - anything really that is evidence of learning - in the form of a photo.You can tag the photo with your student's name, date, comments, and tag it to the curriculum standard it addresses. The app has the Australian National Curriculum uploaded already but there are others.

What I like most about it is that you can take a photo of the evidence then save it in draft form, easy to go back to later to add in the curriculum statements and any comments. Just perfect for when we're distracted by the 25 little people in front of us!

Also, you can export the files to your computer as a neat little PDF and it's password protected as well for security.

I have a beautiful multi-age year 1/2 class this year so it's more important than ever that I stay up to date with monitoring their progress and checking off curriculum standards as they are achieved. Just today in maths groups I was able to meet with my six year 1s and tick off their ability to count to 100. Taking a photo and tagging it was so much easier than my old way of collecting their work samples to photocopy for their file and ticking off paper checklists.

theTeacherCloud also has other apps for lesson planning and progress tracking if you're interested.

Give it a go and let me know what you think of it!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like an awesome app. I can't believe I haven't heard of it. I can def use it during guided reading. I am such a mess with organizing notes, so this could keep me on the right track. Yay for being your newest follower. Drop by. =)

    Just Wild About Teaching
