14 Mar 2014

A must-have number resource

I need to show you the most versatile resource that I use daily in my own classroom. The card set I have been using has seen better days, and because I find it so valuable I knew it had to be the first resource I created to sell on TpT!

It is a 0-120 number card set that shows numbers in 5 different representations - numeral, number name, MABs, expanded form, and place value form (HTO).
There are endless ways to use these cards. Here are a few ideas:

Mix and match different number representations
Have students select one type of card and then represent the number in a different way (eg. number name to expanded form)
Compare and order different number representations (eg. which number is bigger - 60 + 3 or 3 tens 6 ones?)

Please check out my newly opened TpT store here! It is on sale for the next week. Support a newbie blogger ;)

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